Saturday, February 12, 2011

Movie Review - Lean On Me

It was quite frightening to see how a school could turn to a place where no respect and order could retain students from doing as they pleased. I would say that everything about this movie was quite exaggerated in terms of how the school was portrayed and this might just add more negative impression towards the black people. By watching this movie I realized that how important for us to educate the students for not letting them to destroy their future. The Principal Joe Clark tried his best to help the students though he had to expel quite a number of students just to show how serious he was in helping those students from being affected by those parasites. In this story we could see how close the principal with his students. He would personally attend to the students to listen to their problems.  

I can't really say that any of my teachers during my school years would resemble the character of the principal in this story, but one thing they have in common would be they would try their best to help the students to solve their problems especially if it was related with academic purposes.

Based on the movie, I have learned that  as a teacher we must not give up until we have achieved what we have planned for our students and also we must listen to the people who always be with us because sometimes we might take everything for granted.

1 comment:

  1. This movie simply amazing. The strong characters of the teacher captures my attention most.
