Saturday, February 19, 2011

Movie Review - Mona Lisa Smile

I was amazed by how powerful a teacher could influence the students in making choices for their future after watching this amazing movie. The tradition that already rooted in the students from a conservative Wellesly College that deny the new way to appreciate life brought by a wonderful teacher makes the story interesting. One thing that struck to my mind while watching this movie was the way of most women think are quite alike even today's women tend to think that they born to fill the responsibilities to their husbands, families and children, but how about the responsibilities towards themselves?
                      Most of the Wellesly's students would end up married though they were brilliant students who posses the required criteria to fulfill their ambitions. As a teacher we must be alert of certain culture or trend that being practiced by our students that might offer more harm than good to them. Like what Miss Katherine Ann Watson did in the movie, she tried to change her students point of view about life because she wanted her students to realize that they deserved to have an equal right to be what they want and not bounded to society's expectation. 

 Students sometimes too scared to break the tradition as they might not be accepted by the society and for that particular reason they have to bear the suffers  just to satisfy the society. Just be what we want to be because we know ourselves better then others.

Monalisa and her famous smile..but do we know what she is hiding behind her beautiful smile?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Movie Review - Lean On Me

It was quite frightening to see how a school could turn to a place where no respect and order could retain students from doing as they pleased. I would say that everything about this movie was quite exaggerated in terms of how the school was portrayed and this might just add more negative impression towards the black people. By watching this movie I realized that how important for us to educate the students for not letting them to destroy their future. The Principal Joe Clark tried his best to help the students though he had to expel quite a number of students just to show how serious he was in helping those students from being affected by those parasites. In this story we could see how close the principal with his students. He would personally attend to the students to listen to their problems.  

I can't really say that any of my teachers during my school years would resemble the character of the principal in this story, but one thing they have in common would be they would try their best to help the students to solve their problems especially if it was related with academic purposes.

Based on the movie, I have learned that  as a teacher we must not give up until we have achieved what we have planned for our students and also we must listen to the people who always be with us because sometimes we might take everything for granted.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dowry Oh Dowry

Dowry really gives big impact to a wedding, not particularly to Indian only, but I believe to Malay and Chinese as well. As for me, dowry is something that culturally bound and just to impress others by how big the dowry is. It is no longer serves the purpose of "present" nowadays, people are eager to put higher dowry than others maybe for the seek of showing off but subtly cover it up with giving excuse that the expenses for the wedding are expensive. I remembered someone said to his friend when asked about the dowry of his daughter: "I'm not selling my daughter, why would I put very high dowry?". But, unfortunately there are some parents who put their daughter for "sale" by putting very high dowry and that will burden the guy who will have to struggle to collect the money not only for the dowry but also for other expenses. But it really depends on the person, if they could afford for high dowry they should go for it and for those who couldn't they have to find alternatives to satisfy both parties. Some said dowry is the symbol of love...ask yourself then!